Design Bolts Mascot

Vancouver Business Logo

Company Logo

Business Illustration

Modern Fashion Mascot

Business Illustration

Hospital Careers

Business Illustrations

Geek Girl Mascot

Science Illustration

Forest Animal Wallpaper

Monster Tourist Mascot

Bull Dog

I never thought that bulldogs were cute, until recently. It's probably because of videos like this:

Shark Love

Sharks are endangered because of over fishing. Please don't eat sharks because they are important to ocean ecosystems.


This drawing is for my cousin's daughter who loves puppies and kittens. In reality, this scene should be a giant dust cloud of claws and fur balls flying everywhere, but for the sake of cuteness it had to be peaceful.

Bear vs Copy Machine

Made with Adobe Flash. Did you ever have a bad day at work where your computer programs crash, printer jams and you drop your cell phone in the toilet? This animation was inspired by the movie ‘Office Space’ and the famous copy machine scene. The dialogue is from the sitcom called ‘NewsRadio’. 

Dragon Hatching

Another drawing for my children's book 'My Dragon Brother'. I'm not sure what to say about this one... surprise, you just adopted a dragon!

Baby Dragon

This is another drawing for my children's book 'My Dragon Brother'. Babies are cute, especially the chubby ones haha.

Skipping Dragon

This is another drawing for my children's book 'My Dragon Brother'. It's always difficult learning something new, but eventually, after many mistakes you will start to get better at it. :) Learning takes a lot of patience. Also, the best way to learn is to see failures as learning opportunities for growth.

Dragon Egg

This is another drawing for my children's book 'My Dragon Brother'. I love antique stores and the stories that are hidden behind every object. In high-school I used to watch 'The Antique Roadshow' and was fascinated by the personal stories that went along with the antiques. Stories help to preserve human history.